Sunday, January 9, 2011

Vampire John C. Reilly in Cirque du Freak

The last time we mentioned Cirque du Freak was when I questioned whether Willem Dafoe had a creepy fascination with vampires. Dafoe had just been cast alongside of John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek, Patrick Fugit, Ken Watanabe, and Chris Kelly. The film is a rather twisted and fantastical tale about a 14-year-old boy who visits a traveling freak show and is drawn into the world of vampires, werewolves and bearded ladies, eventually giving up his own normal life to go on the road with the Cirque Du Freak. Apparently the story has a lot more to do with vampires, but I don't want to spoil any of it. Empire has revealed the first photo from the film featuring John C. Reilly as Larten Crepsley and newcomer Chris Kelly as Darren Shah.
It's unfortunately quite hard to see Reilly in this photo below. I wish we could get a closer look at his face, because he looks like an awesome vampire, but alas this is all we've got. Cirque du Freak sounds like one of the most unique and refreshing horror films in a while, which is why I'm so interested. Plus the cast is just phenomenal and I can't deny actors like John C. Reilly and Ken Watanabe.
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