Monday, January 24, 2011

Sundance in 60 Seconds: The 'Red State' Carnival and Several Other Films

Rutger Hauer looks like Don Cherry mixed with Andy Warhol. James Franco talks to Elvis Mitchell for Movieline. Susan Sarandon plays ping pong with Lil Jon. Paul Rudd shaved. Terrence Howard makes the rounds. This picture of Miranda July and her 'The Future' players might just be the best promo still ever. And if you want to look back, FabSugar offers up a look at celebrity Sundance style over the last decade.
Erik Davis raved about 'Like Crazy': "Drake Doremus delivers what will probably go down as one of the best of the fest; an extremely personal, passionate and exceptionally well-crafted story starring Anton Yelchin and Felicity Jones as two kids who fall hard for one another, but find their perfect relationship tested when forced apart for long periods at a time."
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