Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Earlier this week the weather forecast predicted heavy snow falling and rain or a blend may be called as a “winter blend,” A later update augmented their opinion of a worsened situation with six to nine inches of snow in the area.
All over Susquehanna Valley students found a pleasant surprise when they looked out of the window Tuesday morning to find roads filled with snow as early as seven o clock in the morning. The early ecstatic students were a bit worried in the later phase as WGAL Penn Manor did not announce a delay or closing. Their hopes turned into fear. The drivers were tested for driving in order to fetch the students on the slippery roads of Lancaster..

Katie Maisel strengthened the danger by saying that the roads were really dangerous,”. He added that it should have been off day for the students and the school traffic. Still several students came in just before the normal 7:40 am, teachers have received an email informing students and teachers that elementary schools in the district have been closed and an early dismissal for school students was in the process.

The met office even predicted the same precarious situation even on Friday as expected. So Penn Manor could get a postponement of the school on Friday as well. Eric Horst Millersville meteorologist and spokesman said that snow may start during the night and end in the early morning hours, amassing 2-5 inches on the ground.

Limited visibility coupled with traveling difficulty has also been predicted by the met office spokesman Mr. Horst. He added that during the whole day on Friday, it will be more active coupled with wind gusts of 15 to 25 mph, “more or less,” He added that there will be a winter weather advisory from 19 pm tonight, continuing through Friday 9 am,. Saturday, however, will be high almost 20 degree with little chilly wind.


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