Thursday, January 27, 2011

Carb Lovers Unite

Careless people like me try to avoid the unnecessary diet plans by following the scales due to sheer love for food. As I am human I follow the human thinking of looking at and pounding at something, I have been told not to eat.
In this context it would be pertinent to explain that NEWYEARNEWME challenge appealed me very much as I was eager to loose weight I had put on in search of food. I wanted to get back in shape after a baby was born and I came to know that I may not have to follow a strict diet plan.
Facebook Calorie Story app helped me to track my calorie intake. The calorie story made a visible change in me. It made me vigilant to tack my meals on each day. It has made me aware of what I am eating and drinking on daily basis
I enjoy Carbs a lot. I did not want to leave it. So, the Carb Lovers Diet book that was sent to me for this challenge has helped me out as well. It is filled with some amazing recipes and helpful hints, through this book I have learnt quite a bit about healthy eating and losing weight without giving up the carbs.
Ellen Kunes and Frances Largeman Roth RD encourage the readers of their Health magazine  not to eliminate certain food items from their diet or skip few meals. Their book is helpful in inspiring the readers to be creative and innovative in planning their family meals. These rules have been named as Four Carb Lovers Rules. Just go through these one by one.
1. Every meal should have a Carbstar. It must be born in mind that Carbohydrate-rich foods contain two types of starch. First is that we hear about most. It is often high-glycemic starch which is absorbed quickly and raises blood sugar. It also causes a spike in energy. The other type of starch is called Resistant Starch. It is a weight-loss powerhouse as it is not absorbed into the bloodstream or broken down into glucose. CarbStars include oatmeal, bananas, beans and lentils, potatoes, whole-grain pasta, barley, brown rice, peas, rye and pumpernickel bread, polenta and potato chips.
2. Quantity in the plate matters so balance your plates. CarbStars should not be more than quarter of your plate. The rest of the meal should consist of great weight-loss boosters like lean meats and low-fat dairy products, good fats, and fruits and vegetables.2. Quantity in the plate matters so balance your plates. CarbStars should not be more than quarter of your plate. The rest of the meal should consist of great weight-loss boosters like lean meats and low-fat dairy products, good fats, and fruits and vegetables. 
3. Do not remain hungry. Please note that the meals found in the recipe section of this book are complete food and will leave you feeling fully satisfied. Many researchers have described that when you feel full, you’re much more likely to stick with a new weight-loss plan.
   4. Lastly enjoy what you love to eat. Many dieticians dictate what we must not eat ignoring the fact that we tend to be lured to the same food we are told to avoid. On the other hand on Carb Lovers Diet plan there is no need to give up anything
Carbs are rich in fiber but low in calories.
    * People enjoy carbs in their diets
    * Carbs prevent fatigue
    * People enjoy carbs in their diets


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