Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sonic Impact iPax Portable Speaker for iPod Shuffle

Loyal readers, for too long the iPod Shuffle owner has been pushed around.In schools, the bigger iPods would always shove it into lockers. On the beach, vintage boom boxes would kick sand in its face. But now, loyal readers, now the iPod Shuffle is able to fight back. Because with the Sonic Impact iPax Portable Speaker for iPod Shuffle, that tiny little device becomes an entire entertainment center!
And unlike those other players, the iPod Shuffle fits perfectly into a Sonic Impact iPax Portable Speaker. There’s a storage compartment, so you can just pack the whole thing in the car and go. Want to pump the patented Maxxbass psycho-acoustic technology and scare off those break dancers? Now you can! And you can even use songs only available in MP3 form to do it! Take that, traditional forms of media!
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