Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jim Harbaugh-to-Michigan Fell Apart Over the Weekend.

As of right now, I’m hearing that Jim Harbaugh will not be the next coach at the University of Michigan. What seemed like a lock last week suddenly fell apart over the weekend. Reasons why Harbaugh turned down the job – reminder: college coaching situations can be very fluid – remain unclear but his decision sets Michigan AD Dave Brandon up for a hectic week in Ann Arbor.
As the media and bloggers have been speculating for weeks, all signs point to Rich Rodriguez getting fired very shortly. His poor performance down the stretch made it an easy choice for Brandon to fire him. If the Wolverines had shown any life against Michigan State (34-17), Ohio State (37-7) or in the bowl game against Mississippi State (52-14), perhaps Brandon could have gotten away with keeping Rich Rod for one more year and letting him fire defensive coordinator Greg Robinson. That wasn’t the case.
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