In a dramatic move after eruption of violence against prolonged rule of President Husni Mubarak in Egypt, Omar Suleiman, intelligence chief has been named as vice president of Egypt. He had earlier remained a negotiator between the Israelis and Palestinians.
The history reveals that Husni Mubarak who is Egyptian President since 1981 has never appointed a vice president. Quite recently he sent the government packing after the mass scaled eruption of violent protest demonstration in major cities that has killed more than 50 citizens so far. Many analysts view the move a critical one that may be transitional and the stepping down by Mr. Mubarak may follow.
The step is a major indication. Husni Mubarak’s earlier plans to thrown his son Gamal Mubarak may not work. It has been reported his sons have already reached London.
Mr. Omar Suleiman’s relationship with the military, western powers are also one of the critical indicators for his elevation as vice president that may further help him to accede to the power corridors as president.
The history reveals that Husni Mubarak who is Egyptian President since 1981 has never appointed a vice president. Quite recently he sent the government packing after the mass scaled eruption of violent protest demonstration in major cities that has killed more than 50 citizens so far. Many analysts view the move a critical one that may be transitional and the stepping down by Mr. Mubarak may follow.
The step is a major indication. Husni Mubarak’s earlier plans to thrown his son Gamal Mubarak may not work. It has been reported his sons have already reached London.
Mr. Omar Suleiman’s relationship with the military, western powers are also one of the critical indicators for his elevation as vice president that may further help him to accede to the power corridors as president.