Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lara Logan's Good Looks Are Coming Under Attack Too

Lara Logan raped in Egypt? The question kept many aghast because rape can never be neglected in a light mood neither it can be joked about. Is it the way to justify the rape because the victim is so attractive? The brutal assault on Lara Logan, The CBS correspondent, capturing the revolution in Egypt can no way be justified or shrugged away by merely describing it the cause of her good looks. As it was reported she was raped during night of celebration. She was viciously assaulted on February 11th. Now she is safely back and is recuperating in the hospital. Interestingly few are propagating that just because she happened to be blond and attractive, so the kind of attack was inevitable.
What actually happened is that on 3rd February Lara Logan had been detained in Egypt. One of the blog said, “OMG if I were her captors and there were no sanctions for doing so?  I would totally rape her.”  The fantasy became true and the blog’s posting was deleted with the addition of terming it a joke saying, “Super funny joke deleted in light of the sad news that Lara Logan actually was raped in Egypt.
The blog was not the only one in the race terming it a joke. The LA Weekly writer Simone Wilson believed that the reason behind her rape was “shocking good looks and ballsy knack for pushing her way to the heart of the action.”  Lara Logan describes it like that “In a rush of frenzied excitement, some Egyptian protesters apparently consummated their new found independence by sexually assaulting her.”  World is amazed to see is it the way Egyptians celebrate? Should not be questioned that beauty should be treated like that? Should it deserve to be raped? Is it justified?


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