Saturday, February 5, 2011

Brooke Wilberger: Mother Shows Incredible Grace

Brooke Wilberger, a beautiful girl was tragically killed by a man called Joel Courtney. Her stoty was aired tonight, and perhaps the most incredible part of the story is the fact that Brooke Wilberger’s mother thanked Joel Courtney for finally disclosing the location where Brooke’s body was burried after he took her life.Brooke Wilberger was kidnapped from a housing complex by Joel Courtney. He lured her to his car by asking her for help in moving a package, but when she came near to him, he held a knife to her and forced her to get into the car. Sadly, Brooke’s life ended in a wooded area about 10 miles away from where she was taken.
During the ultimate fight for justice, Brooke’s mother and siblings made a deal with Joel Courtney. He was given life in prison in New Mexico in exchange for disclosing where Brooke’s remains were burried.In a press conference after his conviction, Brooke Wilberger’s mother expressed gratitude towards Joel Courtney for finally bringing closure to her family on what happened to Brooke.She said thatas a mother, I’m not sure that I could have shown the same act of compassion.


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