Saturday, February 5, 2011

Krispy Kreme Challenge

NC State University's new tradition is on wider appreciation level. The Krispy Kreme Challenge is an annual race organized by the students in Raleigh, North Carolina, actually benefiting the NC Children’s Hospital. Only 12 persons participated in 2004 that has grown to 5500 in 2009. It is interestingly a NC State University’s newest traditions.
The race used to start from NC State Belltower and each runner used to run 2 miles to the Krispy Kreme store located on Peace St. in Raleigh. After downing a full dozen of the famous Krispy Kreme doughnuts, the runner must run the 2 miles back in one hour. Dying on the course was not allowed.The race remained an interesting challenge attracting runners from all across the country. This year they bulged out with 7,500 registered participants.
The race at Krispy Kreme Challenge is a four-mile “run” on both ways with a stop midway to wolf down a dozen doughnuts; the “challenge” to be completed in an hour. The participants get themselves trained for the Marathon for many months.
Hundreds of people have shown willingness to participate after the rising popularity of the event. It means that the event has turned into a renowned Marathon known all over the world as hundreds of thousands of people all around the world run Marathons each year. Simultaneously the Challenge is major fundraiser for North Carolina Children’s Hospital and has caught the attention of many channels including Sports Illustrated and ESPN.
The race was fashioned by Student United Way of FSU in 2010. The inaugural session was won by Justin Harbor, who would be remembered for his accomplishments in Seminole track. The Challenge returns to the FSU campus for a second year on Feb. 5, starting at 1:00pm from the fountain in front of the Westcott Building.
Challenge is an annual race organized by the students in Raleigh, North Carolina, actually benefiting the NC Children’s Hospital. Only 12 persons participated in 2004 that has grown to 5500 in 2009. It is interestingly a NC State University’s newest traditions.
The race used to start from NC State Belltower and each runner used to run 2 miles to the Krispy Kreme store located on Peace St. in Raleigh. After downing a full dozen of the famous Krispy Kreme doughnuts, the runner must run the 2 miles back in one hour. Dying on the course was not allowed.The race remained an interesting challenge attracting runners from all across the country. This year they bulged out with 7,500 registered participants.
The race at Krispy Kreme Challenge is a four-mile “run” on both ways with a stop midway to wolf down a dozen doughnuts; the “challenge” to be completed in an hour. The participants get themselves trained for the Marathon for many months.
Hundreds of people have shown willingness to participate after the rising popularity of the event. It means that the event has turned into a renowned Marathon known all over the world as hundreds of thousands of people all around the world run Marathons each year. Simultaneously the Challenge is major fundraiser for North Carolina Children’s Hospital and has caught the attention of many channels including Sports Illustrated and ESPN.
The race was fashioned by Student United Way of FSU in 2010. The inaugural session was won by Justin Harbor, who would be remembered for his accomplishments in Seminole track. The Challenge returns to the FSU campus for a second year on Feb. 5, starting at 1:00pm from the fountain in front of the Westcott Building.
Challenge is an annual race organized by the students in Raleigh, North Carolina, actually benefiting the NC Children’s Hospital. Only 12 persons participated in 2004 that has grown to 5500 in 2009. It is interestingly a NC State University’s newest traditions.
The race used to start from NC State Belltower and each runner used to run 2 miles to the Krispy Kreme store located on Peace St. in Raleigh. After downing a full dozen of the famous Krispy Kreme doughnuts, the runner must run the 2 miles back in one hour. Dying on the course was not allowed.The race remained an interesting challenge attracting runners from all across the country. This year they bulged out with 7,500 registered participants.
The race at Krispy Kreme Challenge is a four-mile “run” on both ways with a stop midway to wolf down a dozen doughnuts; the “challenge” to be completed in an hour. The participants get themselves trained for the Marathon for many months.
Hundreds of people have shown willingness to participate after the rising popularity of the event. It means that the event has turned into a renowned Marathon known all over the world as hundreds of thousands of people all around the world run Marathons each year. Simultaneously the Challenge is major fundraiser for North Carolina Children’s Hospital and has caught the attention of many channels including Sports Illustrated and ESPN.
The race was fashioned by Student United Way of FSU in 2010. The inaugural session was won by Justin Harbor, who would be remembered for his accomplishments in Seminole track. The Challenge returns to the FSU campus for a second year on Feb. 5, starting at 1:00pm from the fountain in front of the Westcott Building.


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