Wednesday, December 1, 2010

U.S. Army starts using game-changing XM25 smart bullet rifle

The U.S. Army has started shipping smart bullet rifles to Afghanistan this month, and the smart aspect of the $35,000 gun should give U.S. troops an edge against any hidden enemy.The reason the XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System is classed as a smart weapon is due to the control the rifleman has over the bullets it fires. Rather than just aiming and shooting, a distance option is given before the bullet will explode. So if you have a sniper hiding behind some rocks, aim just above him and set the bullet to explode 1 meter beyond the rocks. The same is true of someone taking refuge inside a building–the bullet can enter through the window before exploding.
The distance to explosion can be adjusted 3 meters before or after the target point which is set with a laser. A processor inside each bullet is told how far to travel before exploding as it leaves the rifle.
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