Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Insight for Change

Hanukkah: “Holiday traditions vary greatly throughout the world based on religion and culture. The Jewish people celebrate a most significant holiday during the holiday season-Hanukkah. The traditions and decorations that belong to Hanukkah are highly symbolic. Hanukkah tradition states that the celebration is to begin every year on the 25th of the Hebrew month Kislev. This year it begins on Sunset December 1st to Sunset December 9th. The tradition of Hanukkah commemorates the Jews' victory over the Syrian Greeks in 165 BCE. That victory can be credited to the Jewish revolutionaries called the Maccabees. In the process of restoring Jerusalem, they found their Temple desecrated and in ruins. In order to restore it, they needed to procure ritual oil for the Temple, but could only find one day's worth-eight days of oil was needed. But a miracle occurred that first Hanukkah. The Temple lamps burned for the full eight days so that the Temple could be rededicated. Hanukkah's decorations either emerged or were adapted from this event.
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