Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Cards

Girls love making holiday cards for people in the family.  So yesterday we pulled out the construction paper and decided on hand print turkey cards.  I did them in my class and used small feathers for  the kids to decorate.  Thanks Riane for the cute idea!  We didn’t have feathers and my girls love to use glitter so that’s what we did.
We folded brown paper in half and traced their hands.  I made sure that their thumbs were on the fold.  After we cut them out, I let the girls use markers to decorate them.  Then the sprinkled glitter where they wanted it.  While those were drying, we folded orange paper and I had my girls write their messages inside their cards.  We stapled the turkeys and made them stick out a bit for a 3-D effect.  I even managed to trace my 4 month old’s hand.
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