Friday, November 12, 2010

Skyline’: The Early Reviews Are In

An alien-invasion flick likely will top the box office this weekend ... but, no, it's not called "Skyline." Rather, it seems that "Megamind," the animated tale of a big-brained baddie with a secretly soft heart, is going to reign supreme for the second week in a row.
"Skyline," meanwhile, will compete for ticket buyers' bucks with Denzel Washington's runaway-train action movie, "Unstoppable," which also opens this weekend. "Skyline" leapt out of Comic-Con with a surprising buzz — a film no one had really heard about that, after the convention, was firmly on the fanboy radar. Universal has since taken a gamble and declined to screen the movie for the media, choosing to let the fans themselves decide if the flick is a worthy addition to the alien-invasion genre. A few critics, though, managed to sneak into advance screenings. The reviews, thus far, are decidedly mixed. Check out what they had to say and judge for yourself.
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