Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Armistice day

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month marks the moment in 1918 when WWI hostilities ceased on the Western Front. The War to end all wars was over. So terrible was the carnage, that people could not imagine ever going to war again. Nothing was worth that kind of hell.

The War ended the three major empires of eastern Europe and central Asia: Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. The War created the conditions for the Russian Revolution and so led to the Soviet Union. The War tempted the U.S. from its isolationism, to make its first major foray into world affairs. The end of the War was the end of the age of monarchy, as one royal house after another through Europe toppled. It failed to solve the problems in the Balkans; it began new problems in the Middle East. And the terms of the armistice have been blamed for the conditions that led to WWII.
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