Friday, October 1, 2010

The showdown in New York

That Mr Barrack Hussein Obama found Mahmud Ahmadinejad's words "outrageous, disgusting, and offensive," and his cohorts in America and Britain resonated his sentiments is just what one had expected from a man who came to power on the strength of false promises (Remember: Yes, we can!), but who fell in line within days of his entrance into that symbol of white supremacy where no black man was ever supposed to set foot.
Notwithstanding the emotional content of this exchange in New York last week, the sad fact remains: it is Obama's remarks -- and not those of Ahmadinejad's -- which are disgusting and outrageous to millions of people around the world; a fact that will never be acknowledged by those intoxicated by the power of their military might; for these are people who can shed crocodile tears over the death of 3000 citizens of their country but who are not willing to even acknowledge that their hands are drenched in the blood of several hundred thousand men, women, and children of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
No, there is no way to open their eyes, for it is not the eyes which go blind, but the hearts. And no human being has the power and ability to open sealed hearts. What Mahmud Ahmadinejad said at the United Nations is what at least 83 per cent of the Muslim world's population has been saying ever since 2001: no independent inquiry has ever taken place to ascertain the truth of what actually happened on September 11, 2001; let us have an impartial international inquiry. Let us truly find out who was behind these attacks. And that is all that Mahmud Ahmadinejad said; what is so disgusting about it?
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