Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Molly Norris Disappears

A week ago, a young woman disappeared, and no one really seems to care. Cartoonist Molly Norris briefly became famous last spring when she suggested, in response to self-censorship by Comedy Central over the portrayal of Muhammad on South Park, that there be an “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.” The idea went viral, and cleric Anwar al-Awlaki called  for her execution. The FBI took this threat very seriously. An agent in charge of counterterrorism, David Gomez, said the FBI was assisting Norris and others on the hit list to “effectively protect themselves and change their behavior to make themselves less of a target.” Yes, that’s where we are—the FBI is there to give cheeky Americans advice in not offending murderous Islamists. Norris quickly backed off her suggestion and said she meant no offense. That apparently was not good enough to keep her from potentially becoming the next Theo Van Gogh. So last week her former employer, the Seattle Weekly, announced that there would be no more Norris cartoons because “there is no more Molly.”
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