Sunday, September 26, 2010

CNN's Jon Klein Fired, Finally

Jon Klein, the oleaginous CNN chief who has led his network from failure to failure, all the while keeping up a patter of confident, self-righteous spin, was finally sacked today. This is no time to gloat ... No, wait, this is the perfect time to gloat. If you don't kick them when they're down they might get back up! .. Klein, remember, was the man who first derided bloggers  as a "guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas writing what he thinks"--this during the Dan Rather controversy, when Klein was sucking up to his old buddies at CBS.
The pajamists won that battle, and now they've won the war: at CNN, Klein completely  misread the cable news market which, thanks in part to the rise of opinionated bloggers writing what they think, now frankly rewards  frank ideological cocooning (as in the Rachel Maddow show). That's not entirely a good trend. We now have degraded, over-excited political discourse. On the other hand, we don't have Jon Klein. ...
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