Thursday, November 25, 2010

Six Reasons to Not Hate 'Burlesque

The critic on my left twitched so much during Burlesque, I thought she was having a seizure. The one on my right bolted for the door early. As for me, I just had one question: when can I see it again? Sorry, Harry Potter, but Burlesque is the event of the holiday season, like the drunk aunt who shows up late to Thanksgiving dinner and falls into your mashed potatoes. The acting is almost nonexistent—Cher's face can't move because of Botox, and Christina Aguilera's moves even less (she can't emote). The audience I saw it with laughed at the serious lines, and I could hear crickets during the jokes. But Burlesque is so bad that it's good: over-the-top, ridiculous fun. As with a Taylor Swift concert or a stick of Velveeta, you can't resist the cheese.
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