Thursday, November 25, 2010

Deep Frying your Turkey

Thanksgiving has always meant chillier temperatures for me, growing up in Utah and now living in Indiana. I sometimes forget that there are people celebrating Thanksgiving in shorts with the air conditioning on. Why on Earth would someone want to have their oven on all day when the weather is so nice outside? For those of you lucky enough to be in the sunshine at this time of year choosing to grill or smoke your turkey is not only easy, but it frees up your oven for other side dishes and frees up your house from all that extra heat. C’mon, look at that fancy grill outside. You’re the BBQ master during the summer, why not continue your legacy through the holidays?What I’m really excited for? Fried turkey. Have you had it before? I’ll admit I was one of those fried turkey nay sayers, then I had my first taste of fried turkey last year. My world was changed. This year I had the opportunity to make my own fried turkey, and my fellow Thanksgiving friends? If you’re still debating how to cook your turkey, or if you’re worried about oven space, I say prepare to fry
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